My tiny love is feeling much better. All it took was mommy kisses and snuggles to get her well again, thank goodness we didn't have to go to the doctor. Tim, by the way, is just mesmerized that mommy kisses really do make a baby well again! When she was only a few days old we asked the kids to only kiss her on the head for the first few weeks because there was a virus going around. When Tim caught me kissing her on those little lips he said "Mom, don't! She might get sick!" I explained to him how important it was that I get all of the germs that she has, so that my body will know what kind of medicine to make and put in her milk. So now when he sees me kiss her mouth he says "You makin' medicine mama?" How cute is that? He thinks I'm magic, and I'm totally fine with that. :) xo, Sam
P.S. First thing in the morning the Miss Violet giveaway will start, I will close comments on Monday morning.