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....Our little Claire! She was born at 8:08 this morning and is just PERFECT! She weighed 8lbs and 1oz and was 21 1/2" long. After a natural labor and birth we are both recovering beautifully. I'll have more details soon, but right now I have to go kiss, smell, and love up on our new little angel. xo, Sam


Khris78 said…
Congratulations she is just perfect!!!!
Julia said…
jellaan said…
Congratulations!! Just beautiful!!
Dawn said…
She is precious! Happy for you all...
Patricia Webb said…
So much for a little preemie. She is beautiful. Congratulations!
Stephanie said…
Wow that's great! She is so beautiful and I bet you won't even need some of the tiny clothes for very long.
Elizabeth said…
So perfect! I am thrilled for you and your family. And, a big baby - she looks so healthy and happy! Congratulations. Enjoy every moment of your babymoon!
Chandra said…
Congratulations on your beautiful little girl!
Eileen said…
Congratulations!!! So happy to hear all is well. We also have a Clare at our house (just a slightly different spelling:) and she brings us much joy!
Beach Mama said…
Welcome Claire!! Congratulations!! She is beautiful!
Me said…
So happy to see your beautiful baby girl is here safe and sound. She is gorgeous.
Laurie said…
How wonderful! Such a relief that she came out a healthy size baby.

I guess you will just need to put all those preemie baby cloths away.

grammy and papi said…
So glad everything went so well. Congratulations. Girls are so much fun, so are boys. Love them all.

Have a God Filled Day
LadySnow said…
Congratulations! What a blessing from God :-)
6blessings said…
Awww...she is a doll! Enjoy!!
Mama Lusco said…
Congratulations on your precious new baby Claire. What a blessing!
Kristin said…
Congratulations on your tine little preemie! :) Hope you had some clothes big enough to fit her! So precious and beautiful!
Congratulations! What a little blessing!
Leslie said…
Congratulations Sam! She's absolutely beautiful!
Debbie said…
Congratulations!!!! I'm so excited for you I have chills. Praise the Lord for a healthy mama and baby!
Anonymous said…
Congrats!! You did a good job she's beautiful. Look at all her hair too!
Unknown said…
Beautiful - can you imagine if you got to 40 weeks - wow.
Anonymous said…
Congratulations! I was just praying for you this afternoon and I'm so glad to hear she's here and healthy! :)
Jeannie B. said…
Sam, I am so happy for your family! I have been wondering just where she was!! Glad she is finally here and you will be back to your normal self.
Kisha said…
She's just Gorgeous!!!!
indywriter said…
Wow, look at that hair! My kids were both baldies.

Congrats on your new blessing!
Anonymous said…
Welcome to the world baby Claire:) You will be loved so much in your family. Congratulations Samantha and family! I am so happy for all of you. What a blessing from God:)

Anonymous said…
Welcome baby Claire! Congrats Sam and family, she's a doll!!!
Trina said…
Congratulations! She is just beautiful.
Vintage Rose said…
Oh Sam, my heart is filled with joy for you and your beautiful family. She is just lovely.
God bless.
Rachel said…
Congratulations! She is beautiful.
How sweet is that! She is going to be spoiled rotton by her big brother and sisters!! Congratulations.
Goosegirl said…
Oh Sam!!!!! Claire is GORGEOUS!!!! Congratulations!!! I am so happy and excited for you. And Claire is such a healthy size too! How very, very perfect and gorgeous and wonderful!!!!!Praising God with you!!
Anonymous said…
Congratulations to you and the crew! Look at all that beautiful hair!
Dawn said…
Congratulations! So beautiful! My son's birthday is today too!!
db said…
Congratulations! She is HUGE for a 37 week-er - Nice job Mom
Renata said…
Congratulations Sam - what a beautiful blessing she is!
Enjoy this precious newborn time!
Sarahnthegirls said…
Congratulations, Sam!!! I am so happy for your family. Welcome to the world, sweet Claire.
Emma Anne said…
YEA!!! Congratulations, Sam!! She is so beautiful! I about choked on my water when I saw her weight. I guess she really did know when she was ready to come out.
Anonymous said…
Congrats on a healthy baby girl!
Kim said…
Congratulations Mama!! Enjoy your babymoon and SO glad she is here. xoxo
jen said…
Congratulations!! Beautiful baby girl!!ba
Kristin said…
Congratulations!! Glad she was a good size, healthy, and not too early!
Mindy said…
Oh, Congratulations! What a little beauty!
Anonymous said…
Wahoo!!! What a blessing!! God is so good...
Bless by Tone said…
so, so, so happy for you, welcome to the world, beautiful Claire, May the Lord bless you
Daegle Doo said…
Oh she is beautiful, congratulations, and wow, 8lbs 10oz, and she was 3 weeks early. What a blessing! Enjoy her & what she brings to your family x
Anonymous said…
Wishing Sweet Claire a lifetime of health and happiness!

With friendship,
Nicole Claudia said…
Gefeliciteerd met de geboorte van je dochtertje! Ze ziet er prachtig uit.

Groetjes, Collie
Emilee said…
Congratulations! She is beautiful!! Perfect size baby! Good thing you had her early she would have been a 10lb'r. :)
Robbie Jones said…
God's perfect Gift!!! Congratulations!!! Enjoy!
Janée said…
CONGRATULATIONS!!! She is Beautiful. I am so happy for you!
Anna said…
Congratulations. What a blessing!
kathleen said…
oh the sweetness, I could almost cry just knowing all the road to this dear moment. Brand new little ones have to be the greatest joy to behold and to go, you mama, go hold your newest! Congratulations, and thanks be to God for the dearest little creatures He creates, take care, all of you!
Vicky said…
Congratulations. She's a good size for her age. Enjoy these precious early days. x.
Sue Lavell said…
What a little angel! Congratulations! I am so happy for you!
Attilio said…
Welcome little Claire...enjoy this special time as they grow so fast. What a clever mummy you are Sam, you've done us all proud. God bless you all
Nabila Grace said…
Congrats! ;o) She is wonderful! Praying for a fast recovery! :o) Enjoy these moments! They are my favorite part of being a mother! ;o)
Anonymous said…
Congrats!!! I am so glad you will be bringing her home :) yay!!
Amy said…
Beautiful and I love all that hair!
Unknown said…
She is beautiful! Congrats and God Bless you all!
Amanda Haller said…
Congratulations. She is precious!!
bjbonnie said…
Congratulations on a beautiful, healthy daughter! And thanks to God for hearing and answering many prayers!
Barbara said…
Many congratulations. What a sweetie. Bx
Karen said…
Beautiful! Simply a beautiful blessing! Congratulations!
iveyc95 said…
Congrats! She is lovely!!!
Lise said…
Heather said…
Congratulations!!! I am so happy to see your gorgeous little blessing has arrived safely! Love her name, and love her sweet little face, what a little doll1
Angel said…
She's so lovely. Glad to hear mama and baby are doing well. Congratulations!
Rhadonda said…
She is indeed beautiful. She is wonderfully made by God!! Congrats!
SHEILA said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sheila said…
God Bless precious little Claire and your entire family. I know you are all just walking on air! xoxo
Kathryn said…
Congratulations! She is perfect and BIG! She will share a birthday with our little girl, who also came Monday to join two big brothers, so look for a big order from me soon!
Betsy said…
Awesome! Congrats!!!
oliver rain said…
Congratulations Sam. She's beautiful.
oviya said…
What an exciting experience!/Hilarious! Delightful! True!/wonderful stuff! thank you!

Preemie Clothes

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