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SALE:: Today Only:: 40% OFF

EDITED TO ADD: It seems that some of you had trouble with the discount code, well we had some technical difficulties today. LOL! It was extremely irritating! But that is why I offered the discount to encourage people to use the new system so that we could iron out the kinks quickly and with happy customers :) Now that all of the kinks are ironed I am going to extend the sale until tomorrow, January 15th at 1PM, so that my peeps who had trouble will be able to take advantage of the sale. xoxox, Samantha
Last night, or should I say very early this morning I changed the shop up a bit. I gave each item it's own page and now there is room for the size charts (with fabric requirements). I am so glad to finally have this done! I really feel like this will be less confusing for everyone. So as an incentive to get everyone over there to check it out and give me a little feedback about what you would like to see I am offering 40% off (entire purchase) for today only, just type in "BLOGGYFRIENDS" (ALL CAPS) as the discount code. You are welcome to share the code with your friends if you like. Let me know what you think!


beck said…
I just tried to buy your Madeline dress pattern with the code BLOGGYFRIENDS and it said the code has expired but you blog says it's for wed 1/14 right? That is today. I would love to get the pattern at a discount. Let me know if it is still good. Thanks.
Anonymous said…
I tried it today 1/15 but I must have missed it too. Darn, darn, darn... :)

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