Good morning friends, how are you all? I'm up before the kids, as usual, waiting on my running buddy to arrive, laying out plans for a smooth homeschool day, thinking about dinner prep as we have some family stopping by this evening.....and my mind keeps drifting to how beautiful our Thanksgiving break was. Molly came home to spend the night with us and she and I stayed up late watching movies. It was so good for my soul! We got to talk about all of our favorite books and friends (characters from our favorite books) and live in our own secret world again for a day. I also had Marcus home with us for the break. I guess you wouldn't know him here, but he is one of my sweet boys, I'll introduce him one day. We had a bonfire with everyone and we sang and played around a fire like old was just that soul warming kind of good. The kind of calm that can only be appreciated fully after a few hard years. Anyhow, I'm grateful, and I just wanted to say that. xo, Sam